Thursday 6 May 2010

Families, Cities, Schools, Oh My!

The tragedy of life isn’t that it ends too soon, it’s that we wait too long to begin it


So if I’m updating this thing, that must mean that I have something to say, and since I’m sure that none of you care about whats going on at school, or how my exam prep is going, it must be something exchange related! Ding ding ding! Give yourself a pat on the back, because you are right!

So for the last almost three months I’ve known that I am going to Denmark, but I haven’t known exactly where in Denmark, or with whom I’d be living. But fear not, for I am homeless no longer!

Last week I received an email from my inbound counsellor in Denmark, Susanne, introducing herself and telling me where in Denmark I would be living. So I guess I’ll tell you about that first. My host club will be the Rotary Club of Taastrup, in District 1470 (Click the highlighted words for links).

Here is a map of Denmark, so you can see that Taastrup is located right below Copenhagen (!!). I will also we going to school in Taastrup, at Høje-Taastrup Gymnasium. Although Taastrup is where my club is, and where my school is, it’s not actually where I’ll be living. I will be living in Ishøj Landsby, a small village of about 800 people in the city of Ishøj. My house is only 4km from school, so I will probably ride my bike. My host sister (more about the family in a minute) goes to the same school, and my host mom works near the school, so maybe we will all go together.

So now for the family!! I think I will be living with four families throughout the year, although I only know about three so far. I don’t have a lot of information about the second and third family, but I’ll tell you about the first family.

I got an email today from my host dad telling me about the family, so there is four of them, mom Susanne (not the same Susanne as my counsellor...), dad Carsten, 15 year old daughter, Simone, and 18 year old daughter, Therese. You have nooo idea how excited I am to have sisters!! In the email it sounds like the family is very active, running a lot and going to the gym, which is great, cause I’ve heard that Danish food is very good (and will make me fat), so running will be good. I’ve talked to the daughters on facebook, and they both seem really nice! I’m very excited to be staying with them! And did I mention that my house is only 3km from the beach!!!

So here is a picture of the family:

And then today my second host mom emailed me and added me on Facebook, but I don’t know a whole lot about the family, They have a 17 year old daughter who is currently in Canada, and from her facebook pictures it looks like they have lots of animals, which is very cool! They live out in the country, farther from Taastrup. And then a few weeks ago my host sister from my third family added me on Skype, so we talk a lot. Her name is Julie, and she’ll be in Australia next year, so I won’t actually get to see her. I know she has a little brother and sister, but other than that I don’t know a lot about the family.

So yeah, I am super excited, and am very happy! And I can’t wait to go! Julie and I have a countdown going, so as of today it’s roughly 76 days for her, and I still don’t know what day I leave, so I’m gonna go with her 76.

So this has been a big post with lots of info, and sorry, I know it’s long, but I’m thinking that come next year they will start to get a little bit shorter. I mean, I’m hoping to still blog as much as possible, but I doubt the posts will be this long. But I don’t know. Okay, so I’m rambling now, but yeah. Kay, this paragraph is gonna be done now.

So, to get back on topic, I think that as far as big news goes, I’m pretty much done until I leave. If anything blog worthy happens between now and the summer, I will be sure to post. Less than three months now though... how crazy is that?

So yeah, for all of my American and Danish CS’er friends who are unfairly done school in like two weeks, good luck on your exams, and to all of my Canadian friends, well, good luck to you too, although we have to suffer a month longer.

So yeah, (wow, has anyone else noticed that like all of paragraphs start with ‘so’...? )

